In Person, Groveland Florida

We can't wait to meet you!

Join a new church in Groveland Florida that exists so all people will see themselves in the Story of God.

Located at 644 Gadson St, Groveland, FL 34736

Meet Our Pastors

Hey, we are Pastor Spencer and Sarah Green!


As pastors, our passion is to help you encounter Jesus and know that Your Story Matters to your family, your friends, and the world around you.


We have seen God move powerfully in many people’s lives and believe He can in yours too. That’s the reason we started Story Church, a nondenominational church in Groveland, FL.

What About My Kids?

At Story Kids you can expect a safe, clean environment with background-checked leaders who are all excited to share with your kids how much God loves them


Story Kids have their own services on Sunday morning (3 years- 5th grade).

Story Kids exists so that ALL KIDS will see themselves in the story of God. If you have a child under the age of 3 they are welcome to sit in service!

Every single person was created to live a fulfilling life, but it’s not always that simple. Many people struggle because:

• Life is complicated

• They don’t have a community to inspire them

• They don’t know how to get more out of life

• People have let them down
• Their schedule feels busy & overwhelming

• They’ve tried everything, but something still feels missing

What to expect at the service:

Casual Dress

Casual Dress



Worship & Word

Worship & Word

So When + Where?

We meet in Building Blocks Ministries

Every Sunday at 10:30am